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If you’re like me, you participated in a Pastorate during the Fall, enjoying great fellowship and sharing Christ in meaningful ways with your fellow group members. Then suddenly, it seemed to end just as we were beginning to discover something profound. You left with a feeling of “not being done yet” (spoiler alert: you weren’t).

Over the past year, Celeste and I have experienced the blessing of travel, some from obligation and some for enjoyment. Since moving to Jackson eight years ago, we have noticed two major changes in our travel experiences. First, it’s no fun flying anymore, although now I have an appreciation for how the animals on the Ark felt. The other, more positive change is we no longer have a problem finding an Anglican Church to attend on Sundays. There are now over 1,000 parishes in the ACNA

Bless the Lord! It’s been almost a year since Fr. Wes called me into his office and asked if I would be willing to lead a team of parishioners with the goal of creating a “culture of church planting” at All Saints. I never could have imagined where we would be as a church moving into the summer of 2019.