Global | Historic
The Anglican Church is a global communion of churches historically connected with the Church of England that consists of thirty-nine provinces and approximately 80 million members worldwide, making it the third largest Christian communion in the world after the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches. While Anglicanism arose as one of the four great Protestant branches stemming form the root of the sixteenth-century Reformation, its intention was always to restore the ancient practices of the church rather than start something completely new. So while in one sense Anglicanism's origins lay in the English Reformation, in another real sense its historical heritage reaches all the way back to the early church.
Scripture | Spirit | Sacrament
Anglicans are committed to holding together the three streams of Scripture, Spirit, and Sacrament that constitute a life-giving church. Like trees planted at the water's edge, our roots reach down to find nourishment from these three streams.
We meet and experience the Triune God through the Scriptures, God's inspired Word that contains all things necessary for salvation.
We are empowered by the Spirit to love and to serve those around us, and to manifest God's coming kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
We are nourished by the Sacraments, especially Holy Communion and Baptism, as we encounter Jesus Christ together in a unique way.
Affiliation | Bishops
Anglican churches are grouped together in a diocese under the oversight of a bishop. All Saints Anglican Church is a member of the Anglican Diocese of the South (ADOTS) and under the oversight of Archbishop Foley Beach. Dioceses are grouped together in a province under the leadership of an archbishop. ADOTS is a part of the recently-formed province called the Anglican Church in North America, which is led by Archbishop Stephen Wood.
Bishops are called to guard the faith, unity, and discipline of the church, and they represent for us today the early apostolic witness, each bishop having been ordained by a succession of bishops dating back to the first-century church. Only bishops can confirm, ordain deacons and priests, and join in the ordaining of other bishops.
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For additional information on the Anglican Tradition, see The Anglican Appeal. A recommended reading list is also provided at the end of this document.