A Shepherd for Our Desert
Preacher: The Reverend Wes Gristy Series: COVID Reflections Topic: Easter Scripture: John 10:1–10, Acts 2:42–47
other sermons in this series
May 24
The Ache of Ascensiontide
Scripture: Acts 1:6–14, Psalm 68:1–36, 1 Peter 4:12– 5:11, John 17–11 Series: COVID Reflections
May 17
Our Hope of Judgment
Preacher: The Reverend Wes Gristy Scripture: Acts 17:22–31, 1 Peter 3:13–22 Series: COVID Reflections
May 10
Into Your Hands We Commend Our Troubled Spirits
Preacher: The Reverend Wes Gristy Scripture: John 14:1–14, Psalm 31:5, Acts 7:55–60 Series: COVID Reflections