The Latest News

the latest news and happenings and thoughts and stories of All Saints

For the last few years, our bishop would make his annual episcopal visit to our church for confirmations around All Saints’ Day, and so we would include among our Fall Pastorates an Inquirers’ Pastorate for those interested in preparing for confirmation. But over the last couple of years, your clergy has realized that we need to “bulk up” our confirmation process by including more time for catechesis. So after speaking with our bishop, we have decided to change our confirmation process.

The process will still begin with an Inquirers’ home group, but one that will meet during the Epiphany season rather than during one of our two Pastorate semesters. The Inquirers’ Group will still include a five-week introduction to All Saints and the Anglican tradition. After that point, for those who want to pursue confirmation, we will offer a Catechism Class at the church on Wednesdays during Lent that will meet for an additional five weeks. This class will now be required for all who want to be confirmed at All Saints, but anyone is welcome to attend this class if one desires a refresher in the foundations of the Christian faith.

This change in our confirmation process means that our bishop’s next visit will be soon after Easter instead of around All Saints’ Day. We have tentatively scheduled his visit for April 17–19, which is the weekend after Easter Sunday. Mark your calendars—but do so in pencil!

More Time to Prepare Our Diaconate Aspirants

With our bishop scheduled to visit All Saints five months later than usual, this thankfully gives us more time to prepare our two aspirants to the vocational diaconate for ordination. Both Barbara Reed and Nan Thomas are continuing in their discernment process and completing the requirements laid out for their ordination. Some of these requirements include meeting with three other Rectors from three separate parishes in our diocese for examination and affirmation, continuing to demonstrate competency in nine canonical areas, gaining approval for our diocesan standing committee, background checks, and further training. We have tentatively scheduled Saturday, April 18 for their ordination service. Please continue to keep these two women in your prayers, and ask God for the wisdom and discernment needed for all those involved in this process.