Three different Pastorates will be offered this Lent to help us follow in the footsteps of Jesus on his way to the cross. Pastorates are small groups that meet regularly in someone’s home over a meal and intentional conversations so that we might deepen our life with God together. These Pastorates will not only offer you insight and wisdom into the Christian life; they will also provide you with opportunities to practice your faith in tangible ways.

Lenten Pastorate Registration

It Is Written

Facilitated by Gary Osborne
starting Sunday, February 18, 6:00–8:00 pm
Location: All Saints Anglican Church

One of the most painful realities of life is recognizing that we are all sinners. As a Christian, it is very frustrating to continually battle and struggle with temptations. Fortunately, our loving God has made a way. The purpose of this Pastorate will be to explore how the Bible equips and prepares us to be more than conquerors over the temptations that Satan daily places in our path. We will study the relationship of Genesis, Matthew, and 1 John as a biblical response to these struggles. Hope you will join us. 

Judy Rose
Stephanie Traylor
Lila Psungo
Marcelo Psungo
Linda Hayes
Ruth Stagle
Marcia Moss
Carole Beitz
Rich Beitz

Practicing the Way

Facilitated by Dn. Nan Thomas and Olivia Abernathy
starting Wednesday, February 21, 6:00–8:00 pm
Hosted by Rob & Lynn Binkley (99 Gracelyn Drive)

Come and join us this Lent in practicing the way of Jesus by reading and reflecting upon John Mark Comer’s latest book entitled
Practicing the Way. Comer offers a thoughtful and winsome way of teaching the Scriptures and demonstrates how we can become more like Jesus by living our lives like him. This is also the book our Vestry, clergy, and staff will be reading together throughout this year for their own spiritual growth.

Katie Beavers
Leslie Creasy
Kim Howerton
Chelsy Crawford
Joy Moore
Keely Beasley
Rob Binkley
Lynn Binkley
Sarah Trouwborst
Lydia Verdoorn
David Thomas
Sheila Williamson
Cal Phillips
Tamarin Huelin

A Psalm from the Heart of Jesus

Facilitated by Dn. Kevin Vailes
starting Thursday, February 22, 6:00–8:00 pm
Host TBD

Join us as we spend Lent studying and reflecting on the 22nd psalm, the psalm that Jesus spoke as he hung on the cross. It is a psalm of despair, anguish, hope, and triumph. Discover the heart of Jesus with author and pastor David Roseberry on a deeply moving journey through this beautiful psalm uncovering the insights and lessons hidden within the text and experiencing a personal connection with the Lord. As you journey through the entire psalm, you will find strength and inspiration for your own journey of faith.

Monica Jones